Exorcist book

This The Exorcist is quite frighting of a book by itself, but this signed copy has caused even more issues for us. We have no desire to read it or even be near it.


There is no special name for it, the previous owner just used the title of the book as the name of the artifact.


This book is the first edition from 1971; hard cover, signed copy of The Exorcist. The book is in excellent condition, even being 50 years old. There are no markings on any pages except for the author’s inscription. Dust jacket is clean and the over all condition is as if it were just published.

Artifact Image


We purchased this item from jeweler who kept the book in a safe. The jeweler was an old man and was selling his business and wanted to give the book to us for safe keeping and out of sight. He told us that he did not buy the book and the book just appeared in the lost and found drawer in a supply store where he worked in his youth in the late 1970s. After a week, when no one came to claim the book, he took it home and kept it.


We were informed that this book will cause a lot of physical issues and needs to be kept in a safe. The book is always very cold as if it has just been taken out of a freezer. The book also smells rancid; at first we thought that the previous owner may have been a smoker, but the smell that comes from the book is of rotting meat or dead animals. Due to this, it attracts houseflies and fruit flies. Dogs and cats will not go near it and growl at it.

We did open the book and leafed through the pages, we did not see anything unusual about the printing, cover, spine or pages, everything looked normal. We were also told that the book causes headaches, abnormal rashes on the body, and nose bleeds. We did not test any of these claims and placed the book in a safe.