Our group has been collecting very rare and mostly cursed antiques. These artifacts were once either created or owned by individuals who harnessed the dark powers to instill evil onto these objects and people. These artifacts now posses powers that, when used with incantations and gesticulations, could perform magical, mysterious, miraculous and quite heinous acts on people or other objects. Our group tries to collect, and if possible, neutralize these artifacts. In most cases it is impossible to render the artifact benign once the artifact has obtained illicit powers. In these cases we obtain and safeguard the artifacts from public who are unaware of the powers the artifact posses. If you come across any artifacts, such as these, then please contact us.
Sacco traveling inkwell
This item may look harmless, but it is one of the most dangerous items in our possession. We do not know the full potential of this item, and do not want to find out.
Voice whistle
This artifact may cross timelines into either the past or the future, we have not been able to determine that aspect. It requires a lot of further exploring.
Exorcist book
This The Exorcist is quite frighting of a book by itself, but this signed copy has caused even more issues for us. We have no desire to read it or even be near it.
Desk call bell
This artifact is an unusual one because no one fully understands how and who it will strike. It works in a completely random order.
Blue bottle fish
Raised one
This artifact was found by a construction crew in a cemetery which belonged to a Church. This Church had been abandoned and a private owner turned it into a shopping center.